Thank you for your contributions!
Pete & Marty Gabriel, Maggie Stewart, Wendell Fitzgerald, Nancy Fitzgerald, Wendy Weiner and 1st SW Bank
All contributions are fully tax deductible and will be matched 50% by the Mighty Arrow Family Foundation.
Now is the time to ACT!
Ways to Help:
Become a Member
Ways to Help:
Become a Member
SOIL Sangre de Cristo is a membership driven organization. Investor Members meet the loan applicants and vote on the loan each quarter.
Purchase a Gift Membership
Is there someone special in your life who will be interested in SOIL Sangre de Cristo? Purchase a Gift Membership as a tribute to them. The will receive an acknowledgement of your tax deductible gift and become Investor Members with all the benefits.
Encourage Friends, Family Members …
Several Investor Members live on the front range. They support SOIL Sangre de Cristo with their knowledge of how inter-connected our environment and food resources are. They know the importance of investing in communities who are making a difference in the quality of life in their state.
