30 days to Reach the GOAL!
The 50% Match Ends on June 30th.
Growing Local Food With Slow Money
In towns and cities across North America, a quiet revolution is underway. Fed up with sending their money off to make a fast buck in faraway markets in which there is NO Control, people are putting their money to work where they live, in markets they trust and understand – starting with food.
SOIL Sangre de Cristo is an All-Volunteer Organization. 97.5% of your contribution goes directly into the revolving loan fund. All contributions are matched 50% by the Mighty Arrow Family Foundation and are fully tax deductible.
Ways to Help Make the June 30 Goal:
Become a Member
SOIL Sangre de Cristo is a membership driven organization. Investor Members meet the loan applicants and vote on the loan each quarter.
Purchase a Gift Membership
Is there someone special in your life who will be interested in SOIL Sangre de Cristo? Purchase a Gift Membership as a tribute to them. The will receive an acknowledgement of your tax deductible gift and become Investor Members with all the benefits.
Several Investor Members live on the front range. They support SOIL Sangre de Cristo with their knowledge of how inter-connected our environment and food resources are. They know the importance of investing in communities who are making a difference in the quality of life in their state.