Through a membership based community loan fund SOIL Sangre de Cristo awards 0% interest loans to local farmers, ranchers and other food producers.
It is a new way to fund local food. Using charitable donations from Investor Members for 0% loans to local farmers and food enterprises. Together, we are building a permanent, member driven, revolving loan fund.
How does it work? People in the community become members of SOIL Sangre de Cristo with a tax deductible contribution. The contributions grow the 0% interest revolving loan to local farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs. All contributions are welcome! Members who contribute $250 and above will vote on the loan applications to award the loans. When loans are repaid the funds are recycled into new loans. Over the years, SOIL will grow into a substantial lending resource for sustainable food production. There are currently 27 groups globally, and have invested $73 million in 752 food enterprises.
Mission Statement: Building healthy community, through investing, for the support of a local, sustainable food future.
"This is genius and you can count on myself and my company to support you!!" -Soil Sangre De Cristo Member